Irrespective of the age of the kid, always cover your kids in soft muslin or thin cotton clothesSleeveless or half sleeves clothes are recommended. ( Do not swaddle your infant all day long. )

Avoid dark colour clothes as dark colours absorb heat. Prefer light coloured or white clothes that reflect heat to keep your little one cool.



💧If your baby is Exclusively on breastmilk, feed your baby more often than usual. WATER is to be given if and only of the temperature crosses 41°C and only after consulting your pediatrician.


💧For babies who are on Breastmilk and Solids, give few extra spoons of water than usual after every solid meal and breastfeed your baby at regular intervals.


💧For kids who are only on solids, offer few sips of water after every 45 minutes. Also, whenever you feel thirsty, offer few sips of water to your baby too. And compulsory few sips after every single meal.



Since it's risky, avoid direct exposure to sun. Avoid taking your babies out in the afternoon. By chance if you happen to go out, cover your baby, specially the head under a light coloured muslin cloth. Apply sunscreen lotion to your baby if possible.



Don't give foods that are oily or difficult to digest. Do not offer juices, instead offer fresh fruits. Offering banana would be a good choice. Try giving rice kaanji as it keeps cool. Giving some curd in the afternoon is a good option too. 


Hope you find these tips useful! Stay hydrated and take care of yourself and your baby and beat the heat!

written by Sayalee Rege